Cynthia Kelly Overall
WheelHouse Art is pleased to present Cynthia Kelly Overall's
Fifty-One Shades of Gray...Still Life in the Dutch Manner.
This exhibition opens with a reception for the artist on Friday, August 18, 6:00 - 8:00pm, with a talk with the artist at 7:00pm. The exhibition continues through September 30, 2023. Overall was a guest on "Artists Talk with LVA" on 97.1 FM WXOX. Click on the image below to listen to her conversation with host Keith Waits.
Overall is a Bardstown, Kentucky artist well known for her oil paintings depicting rural landscapes and pastoral scenes. Her work holds an unmistakable luminosity and technical application reminiscent of Old Dutch masterworks with just a hint of a Kentucky accent.
Overall’s latest work focuses her attention to another the artist's loves, Dutch Golden Age Still Lifes, a popular movement that emerged in the 17th century during the Dutch Golden Age. These artworks typically featured meticulously arranged compositions of objects, fruits, flowers, food, and various other items.
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